Roanoke Chapter Reboot

It has been a while since there has been much activity in the Roanoke Chapter of the AGO. Some of our members have had discussions about getting the Chapter more active again. We feel like we need the support and fellowship of colleagues more than ever!

Here is a message from Karen Harwood:

I hope that everyone’s Fall has gotten off to a great start, and I know that our thoughts and work are turning towards Advent.  December will be here soon.

This year, the Roanoke Chapter of the AGO is going to sponsor several events that you will be hearing more about later. 

Our first event is this Sunday, October 22nd at 4:00 at Raleigh Court United Methodist Church with an organ concert by Debra LeBrun.  Debra will be dedicating the Walker additions that were added to Raleigh Court’s organ during 2021.  Come and hear what will be a wonderful program including works by Matthias, Fedak, Franck, Chen, Elgar, Dinda, and Utterback. 

Our chapter will hold a reception for Debra following the concert.  This will be a great time to do some catching up with each other.

If you have this Sunday afternoon free, hope to see you at 4:00 at Raleigh Court.

Thank You for your continued support of the Roanoke Chapter of the American Guild of Organists!

Karen Harwood
Ronnie St. Clair
Debra LeBrun